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$1.175 Million Settlement for Wrongful Death

The Decedent presented to his primary care doctor with concerns for new onset chest pain that radiated to his arms and shoulders. The Decedent also had several cardiac risk factors, including hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and a family history of heart disease. The primary care physician ordered an EKG, which revealed concerning cardiac signs and a high risk for heart attack. The primary care physician referred the Decedent to the Defendant cardiologist to be seen urgently.

The Defendant cardiologist saw the Decedent the next day for further evaluation. The Defendant cardiologist reviewed the EKG performed in the primary care physician’s office. However, he misread the EKG and concluded the Decedent’s symptoms were likely gastrointestinal when the Decedent should have been sent for an immediate cardiac catheterization. The Defendant cardiologist also failed to discontinue the Decedent’s Flecainide prescription, which is contraindicated in any patient with structural heart disease because it increases the likelihood of heart attack and death.

Eight days later, the Decedent underwent a stress echocardiogram for further evaluation. The results were technically nondiagnostic due to the Decedent failing to achieve a diagnostic heart rate during the evaluation, but the EKG showed signs of a left bundle branch block. Despite this, the Defendant cardiologist informed the Decedent that his symptoms were not cardiac related and advised him to follow up with his primary care physician for further evaluation of the gastrointestinal issue.

Roughly three weeks later, the Decedent suffered a cardiac arrest while driving his car. At the hospital, the Decedent was diagnosed with a heart attack and an anoxic brain injury. After significant hospital treatment, the Decedent died from his injuries, survived by his spouse.



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